Understanding Trade Execution Process for Portfolio Management Services

by Alina Khan

Published On Jan. 11, 2024

In this article

In the world of finance and investments, Portfolio Management Services (PMS) have emerged as a popular choice for investors looking to grow and manage their wealth. PMS offers a tailored approach to managing investments, allowing portfolio managers to execute trades on behalf of their clients. Understanding how the trade execution process works in PMS is essential for investors in India who wish to harness the potential of this investment avenue. In this comprehensive guide, we will demystify the trade execution process in PMS and shed light on the key aspects that make it a crucial component of wealth management.

Overview of Portfolio Management Services (PMS):

Portfolio Management Services (PMS) is a specialized investment product offered by various financial institutions, including banks and asset management companies in India. PMS provides investors with the opportunity to have their investment portfolios professionally managed by experienced portfolio managers. These portfolio managers construct, manage, and monitor a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities, tailored to the client's financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

The PMS structure allows investors to benefit from personalized and actively managed portfolios, similar to mutual funds but with a more tailored approach. While investors retain ownership of the underlying securities in their portfolios, portfolio managers have the authority to make investment decisions and execute trades on behalf of their clients.

Read this article to understand What is Portfolio Management Service - Types and Benefits

Portfolio Execution in PMS

Portfolio execution is a critical aspect of Portfolio Management Services (PMS) that involves the precise and timely implementation of trade orders to align with the client's investment strategy. Effective portfolio execution ensures that the trades recommended by the portfolio manager are carried out efficiently, taking into account market conditions and minimizing the impact costs. By leveraging sophisticated trading platforms and real-time market data, portfolio managers can execute buy and sell orders swiftly, ensuring that the client's portfolio remains well-positioned to meet their financial objectives. Portfolio execution not only involves the actual trading of securities but also encompasses the ongoing monitoring and rebalancing of the portfolio to adapt to changing market dynamics and client needs.

A well-designed portfolio execution process is essential for optimizing investment returns and managing risks effectively. It requires coordination between the portfolio manager, brokerage firms, and custodians to ensure that trades are settled accurately and assets are safeguarded. By maintaining a focus on portfolio execution, PMS providers can offer a seamless and professional investment experience, allowing clients to benefit from expert management without the complexities of direct trading. The emphasis on precise and timely portfolio execution underscores the importance of having a robust infrastructure and a disciplined approach to managing investments, ultimately contributing to the success of the client's financial goals.

Key Participants in the PMS Trade Execution Process:

The trade execution process in PMS involves several key participants who play crucial roles in managing and executing trades. These participants include:

1. Portfolio Manager:

Portfolio managers are seasoned investment professionals responsible for constructing, managing, and monitoring the investment portfolio for their clients. They make investment decisions, including stock selection, asset allocation, and trade execution, in alignment with the client's investment objectives.

2. Client/Investor:

The client or investor is the individual or entity that avails PMS services. Clients typically provide the portfolio manager with their financial goals, risk profile, and other preferences that guide the investment strategy.

3. Custodian:

The custodian is a financial institution responsible for safeguarding the client's assets and settling trades on behalf of the PMS. They hold the securities, manage demat accounts, and ensure the safekeeping of assets.

4. Brokerage Firms:

Portfolio managers often work with brokerage firms to execute trades. These brokerage firms facilitate the buying and selling of securities in the financial markets.

PMS Account Handling Process

PMS account handling is a comprehensive process that ensures the efficient management of a client's investment portfolio. It begins with the onboarding process, where the client's financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon are assessed to develop a customized investment strategy. Effective PMS account handling involves continuous collaboration between the portfolio manager and the client, ensuring that the portfolio remains aligned with the client's objectives. This includes regular communication, reporting, and adjustments based on market conditions and the client's changing financial situation. The portfolio manager's role in PMS account handling extends beyond mere execution of trades; it encompasses holistic management of the portfolio to maximize returns and mitigate risks.

In addition to strategic planning and execution, PMS account handling involves meticulous administrative tasks such as maintaining accurate records, ensuring regulatory compliance, and providing detailed performance reports. This transparency in PMS account handling helps build trust and confidence among clients, allowing them to stay informed about their investments and make data-driven decisions. The portfolio manager's expertise and the robust support system provided by the financial institution play crucial roles in effective PMS account handling, making it a preferred choice for high-net-worth individuals seeking personalized and professional wealth management solutions. By focusing on comprehensive PMS account handling, financial institutions can deliver superior investment outcomes and foster long-term client relationships.

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The PMS Trade Execution Process:

The trade execution process in PMS is a well-defined and regulated procedure that aims to achieve the investment objectives set by the client and portfolio manager. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how trade execution occurs in PMS:

1. Client Onboarding:

The process begins with the client onboarding phase. During this stage, the client and portfolio manager establish the client's financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. These factors are instrumental in shaping the investment strategy and the trade execution process.

2. Portfolio Construction:

Based on the client's financial objectives, the portfolio manager constructs an investment portfolio. This portfolio includes a mix of stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. The manager defines asset allocation targets and outlines specific investment guidelines.

3. Trade Recommendations:

The portfolio manager identifies opportunities to buy or sell securities within the portfolio based on market conditions, research, and investment strategy. They may recommend specific trades to the client for approval. Once approved, these recommendations form the basis for trade execution.

4. Trade Execution:

Upon receiving client approval, the portfolio manager collaborates with brokerage firms to execute the recommended trades. The brokerage firms act as intermediaries between the PMS and the financial markets, executing buy and sell orders. It's worth noting that trade execution is subject to market conditions, and it may take place over one or more trading sessions.

5. Settlement and Custody:

Once the trades are executed, the custody and settlement process comes into play. The custodian, typically a separate entity, ensures the safekeeping of assets and facilitates the settlement of trades. They also maintain demat accounts to hold securities in electronic form.

6. Portfolio Monitoring and Reporting:

After the trades are executed, the portfolio manager continuously monitors the portfolio's performance. They provide periodic reports to clients, detailing the portfolio's returns, asset allocation, and other relevant information. This reporting allows clients to stay informed about the progress of their investments.

7. Ongoing Management:

PMS is not a one-time investment; it's a continuous and dynamic process. Portfolio managers regularly assess market conditions, rebalance portfolios, and make strategic adjustments to ensure that the portfolio aligns with the client's objectives.

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Regulatory Oversight and Compliance:

The trade execution process in PMS is subject to regulatory oversight to protect the interests of investors. Portfolio managers and other participants must adhere to guidelines and regulations set by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). These regulations are designed to ensure transparency, fair treatment of clients, and compliance with ethical standards in the industry.

Transparency and Reporting:

In India, portfolio managers are required to provide clients with periodic reports that detail the performance of the portfolio, fees charged, and any changes made to the investment strategy. This transparency helps clients make informed decisions and evaluate the effectiveness of their PMS investments.

The Role of Technology:

Trade execution in PMS has been significantly influenced by technological advancements. Portfolio managers leverage sophisticated software and trading platforms to access real-time market data, conduct research, and execute trades efficiently. Technology plays a pivotal role in the timely and accurate execution of trade orders.

Read this article if you want to learn How to Open a PMS Account as an Investor in India? & Understanding the PMS Process: Fund Pooling and Fund Accounting

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To Sum Up:

Portfolio Management Services (PMS) offer a structured and personalized approach to investing, where portfolio managers execute trades on behalf of clients. The trade execution process in PMS is a well-regulated and collaborative effort involving portfolio managers, clients, custodians, and brokerage firms. It begins with client onboarding and progresses through portfolio construction, trade execution, custody, and continuous monitoring.

Understanding the intricacies of trade execution in PMS is essential for investors in India seeking professional wealth management services. With the right portfolio manager and a clear investment strategy, PMS can serve as a valuable tool for achieving long-term financial goals while minimizing the burden of direct investment decision-making. In an ever-evolving financial landscape, PMS remains a flexible and dynamic investment option, allowing investors to harness the expertise of seasoned professionals while actively participating in the financial markets.

Want to learn more about PMS? Here are some interesting articles related to Portfolio Management Services in India:

  1. What is Portfolio Management Service - Types and Benefits

  2. What is the Minimum Investment Ticket Size for Portfolio Management Services (PMS)?

  3. Complete Guide to Factor Investing & the Wright Factor Fund PMS

  4. Fee Structure for the Wright Portfolio Management Service
  5. Path to Wealth Creation: Timeline To Initiate a PMS Account in India
  6. Understanding the PMS Process: Fund Pooling and Fund Accounting
  7. How to Open a PMS Account as an Investor in India?
  8. Understanding Portfolio Rebalancing in PMS: A Crucial Strategy for Wealth Management
  9. Risks of Investing in Portfolio Management Services (PMS): A Comprehensive Analysis

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