Charter - RIA

Vision and Mission Statements for investors


Invest with knowledge & safety.


Every investor should be able to invest in right investment products based on their needs, manage and monitor them to meet their goals, access reports and enjoy financial wellness.

Details of business transacted by the Investment Advisor with respect to the investors.

  • To enter into an agreement with the client providing all details including fee details, aspect of Conflict of interest disclosure and maintaining confidentiality of information.
  • To do a proper and unbiased risk – profiling and suitability assessment of the client.
  • To obtain registration with Know Your Client Registration Agency (KRA) and Central Know Your Customer Registry (CKYC).
  • To conduct audit annually.
  • To disclose the status of complaints in its website.
  • To disclose the name, proprietor name, type of registration, registration number, validity, complete address with telephone numbers and associated SEBI regional/local Office details in its website.
  • To employ only qualified and certified employees.
  • To deal with clients only from official number
  • To maintain records of interactions, with all clients including prospective clients (prior to onboarding), where any conversation related to advice has taken place.

Details of services provided to investors (No Indicative Timelines)

  • Onboarding of Clients
  • Sharing of agreement copy
  • Completing KYC of clients
  • Disclosure to Clients
    • To provide full disclosure about its business, affiliations, compensation in the agreement.
    • To not access client’s accounts or holdings for offering advice.
    • To disclose the risk profile to the client.
    • To provide investment advice to the client based on the risk-profiling of the clients and suitability of the client.

Details of grievance redressal mechanism and how to access it

  • In case of any grievance / complaint, an investor should approach the concerned Investment Adviser and shall ensure that the grievance is resolved within 30 days.
  • If the investor’s complaint is not redressed satisfactorily, one may lodge a complaint with SEBI on SEBI’s 'SCORES' portal which is a centralized web based complaints redressal system. SEBI takes up the complaints registered via SCORES with the concerned intermediary for timely redressal. SCORES facilitates tracking the status of the complaint.
  • With regard to physical complaints, investors may send their complaints to: Office of Investor Assistance and Education, Securities and Exchange Board of India, SEBI Bhavan, Plot No. C4-A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051.

Expectations from the investors (Responsibilities of investors)


  • Always deal with SEBI registered Investment Advisers.
  • Ensure that the Investment Adviser has a valid registration certificate.
  • Check for SEBI registration number. Please refer to the list of all SEBI registered Investment Advisers which is available on SEBI website in the following link:
  • Pay only advisory fees to your Investment Adviser. Make payments of advisory fees through banking channels only and maintain duly signed receipts mentioning the details of your payments.
  • Always ask for your risk profiling before accepting investment advice. Insist that Investment Adviser provides advisory strictly on the basis of your risk profiling and take into account available investment alternatives.
  • Ask all relevant questions and clear your doubts with your Investment Adviser before acting on advice.
  • Assess the risk–return profile of the investment as well as the liquidity and safety aspects before making investments.
  • Insist on getting the terms and conditions in writing duly signed and stamped. Read these terms and conditions carefully particularly regarding advisory fees, advisory plans, category of recommendations etc. before dealing with any Investment Adviser.
  • Be vigilant in your transactions.
  • Approach the appropriate authorities for redressal of your doubts / grievances.
  • Inform SEBI about Investment Advisers offering assured or guaranteed returns.


  • Don’t fall for stock tips offered under the pretext of investment advice.
  • Do not provide funds for investment to the Investment Adviser.
  • Don’t fall for the promise of indicative or exorbitant or assured returns by the Investment Advisers. Don’t let greed overcome rational investment decisions.
  • Don’t fall prey to luring advertisements or market rumors.
  • Avoid doing transactions only on the basis of phone calls or messages from any Investment adviser or its representatives.
  • Don’t take decisions just because of repeated messages and calls by Investment Advisers.
  • Do not fall prey to limited period discount or other incentive, gifts, etc. offered by Investment advisers
  • Don’t rush into making investments that do not match your risk taking appetite and investment goals.
  • Do not share login credential and password of your trading and demat accounts with the Investment Adviser.

Investor Charter - PMS

The Investor Charter for Wryght Research & Capital Private Limited PMS can be downloaded from here

Terms of Service

1. Disclosure

For disclosures refer to disclosures

2. Agreement

By using the website and any of its pages (hereafter the “Site”), you confirm that you have reviewed, understand and agree to the following important legal information and terms of use (the “Terms”). If you do not agree to the Terms, please exit the Site immediately.

The Terms are subject to change at any time without notice and access to, and use of the Site may be restricted or terminated at any time. You are therefore advised to review these terms each time you access this website.

Access to and use of the Site as well as the Terms are governed by India law. The place of jurisdiction is Mumbai.

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The information, products, data, services, tools and documents contained or described on this site (the “Content”) are for information purposes only and constitute neither an advertisement or recommendation nor an offer or solicitation to buy or sell investment instruments, to effect any transaction or to enter into any legal relations.

The financial products mentioned on this site are not suitable for all investors. Prior to making investment decisions investors should conduct a thorough investigation and obtain all necessary professional advice for all issues, including your eligibility to make such investment in terms of the applicable law.

Nothing on this site constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a representation that any investment or strategy is suitable or appropriate for individual circumstances, or otherwise constitutes a personal recommendation for any specific in­vestor. Wright Research recommends that investors independently assess, with a professional advisor, the specific financial risks as well as legal, regulatory, credit, tax and accounting consequences.

4. Local legal restrictions

The Content is not intended for use by or distribution to any individual or legal entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution, publication or use would be contrary to the law or regulatory provisions or in which members of the Group of Companies controlled by Wryght Research & Private Ltd. (individually and together “Wright Research”) does not hold the necessary registration or license. Individuals or legal entities in respect of whom such prohibitions apply, whether on grounds of their nationality, their place of residence or on other grounds, must not access or use the site.

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Any data, including but not limited to financial market data, quotes, notices, research or other financial information accessible through this Site, have been obtained from carefully selected sources believed to be reliable. All such information is provided “as is” to the user without express or implied warranties of any kind, including warranties of quality, originality, non-infringement of intellectual property or fitness for any particular purpose.

The information and opinions in the Site are descriptive of Wright Research as a whole and the products and services described may not be available to or suitable for all investors. The fact that a user accesses the Site does not make him a client of Wright Research and you are requested to refer to paragraph 3 above.

Any expressions of opinion, estimates and projections on the Site are those of the authors at the date of writing. They do not necessarily reflect the view of Wright Research and are subject to change at any time without prior warning. Wright Research and its contractual partners may discontinue, or make changes in, the information, data and documents, and the products or services described herein, at any time without prior notice. Any information marked with a date is published as of this date only and no obligation or responsibility is undertaken to update or amend any such information.

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Statements on this site may contain information obtained from third parties, including ratings from rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, Fitch and other similar rating agencies, and research from research providers Reproduction and distribution of third-party content in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of the related third party. Third-party content providers do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of any information, including ratings or research, and are not responsible for any errors or omissions (negligent or otherwise), regardless of the cause, or for the results obtained from the use of such content. Third-party content providers give no express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. Third-party content providers shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees or losses (including lost income or profits and opportunity costs) in connection with any use of their content, including ratings or research. Credit and/or research ratings are statements of opinions and are not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, hold or sell securities. They do not address the market value of securities or the suitability of securities for investment purposes and should not be relied on as investment advice.

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Wright Research and/or its board of directors, executive management and employees may have or have had interests or positions or traded or acted as market makers in securities referred to on the Site. Furthermore, such entities or persons may have or have had a relationship with or may provide or have provided corporate finance or other services to or serve or have served as directors of companies referred to on the Site.

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The past is not an indication of the future performance of an investment. The value of investments may be subject to fluctuations and investors may not get back the amount invested. Changes in rates of foreign exchange may also cause the value of investments to go up or down.

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Using links to third-party websites provided on this Site is at your sole discretion and at your own risk.

Please note that third-party websites are not subject to Wright Research data protection policy and Wright Research is not responsible for the policies they apply with regard to collection and treatment of your personal data. We recommend that you carefully read the terms of use and data protection policies governing the third-party website before using it in order to check how it protects your personal data and privacy.

13. Data processing

For information on the kind of data collected, the purpose for which it is collected, how it is processed, to whom it may be disclosed and the security measures that have been put in place to protect it, please consult the Wright Research Data Privacy Policy under the following link:

Data Privacy Policy

14. Derivatives, research

This Site contains information on derivatives and research material. You will only be able to access detailed information on these subjects after indicating your country of origin. You will then be given access to information on derivatives and research material of Wright Research authorized for distribution in your jurisdiction. When obtaining access to such information you are required to pay particular attention to any accompanying legal information.

15. Assignment, Subcontracting and Delegation

These Terms are for the benefit of Wright Research its successors and assigns. Wright Research may assign or transfer any of its rights under these Terms. Wright Research may delegate or subcontract the performance of any obligation under these Terms.

16. Refund/Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your membership any time by contacting our team at and get a refund. You will be refunded the subscription amount on pro-rata basis with minimum deduction of one month from the date you submit for cancellation and refund. Allotment/ Refund time of response – 10 working days.

Privacy Policy - Wright Research

The Wright Research and its subsidiaries (“Wright Research”, “we” or “us”) welcome you to our website, mobile applications and other services provided via electronic means (together referred to as “Electronic Services”) and appreciate your interest in our products and services.

Wright Research attaches importance to appropriate data protection. This page explains how we treat your personal data in connection with your use of our Electronic Services (“Privacy Policy”).

By continuing to use the Wright Research Electronic Services, you confirm that you are 18 years of age or older. Please note that we may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. The applicable version is always the current one, as referenced above.


For disclosures refer to disclosures

Purpose and scope of the privacy policy

Protecting your privacy and treating the personal data of all users of our Electronic Services in accordance with the law is important to us. We understand that by using our Electronic Services you may be entrusting us with personal information (“data”) and assure you that we take our duty to protect and safeguard this data very seriously. This Privacy Policy therefore explains the kind of data we process when using our Electronic Services, the purpose for which we process it, how we process it, whom we may disclose it to and the security measures we have put in place to protect it.

This Privacy Policy applies to all data we obtain through your use of our Electronic Services. It does not apply to data we obtain through other channels nor to Electronic Services of third parties (“third-party Electronic Services”), even if you access them via a link in our Electronic Services or even if they are necessary for the operation of our Electronic Services. We have no influence on the content or privacy policy of third-party Electronic Services and therefore cannot assume any responsibility for them.

Types of data being processed

When you use our Electronic Services, details of your usage may be automatically registered by our backend systems (such as your IP address, browser, http-header user agent, device-specific information the content you accessed, including time and date of access, usage and user interaction, and the redirecting website from which you came to our Electronic Services). We also process personal data such as your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, date of birth, gender and other data transmitted to us if you register for the usage of our Electronic Services or if you complete a registration form or comment field for a newsletter, product demos, etc..

Legal grounds and purpose of data processing

We process the data based on the following legal grounds:

  • For the performance of a contract to which you are a party or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract;
  • For compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject;
  • For the purposes of our legitimate interests.

We process the data for the following purposes:

  • To comply with bank’s own internal guidelines;
  • To check the identity and suitability of clients for certain products and services;
  • To establish a basis for future information on the products and services offered by Wright Research and to improve their quality;
  • To facilitate technical administration, research and further development in connection with the Wright Research Electronic Services;
  • To ensure the security and operation of our IT environment;
  • To use it for marketing and advertising measures (e.g. newsletters via e-mail, online advertising);
  • To analyse and monitor the usage, user behaviour and navigation while using the Electronic Services;
  • To facilitate client administration.

We process all your personal data in accordance with the applicable laws on data protection and for as long as required.

Disclosure of electronic services usage data

Wright Research only discloses Electronic Services usage data to third parties as permitted by law, if we are legally obliged to do so or if such disclosure becomes necessary to enforce our rights, in particular to enforce claims arising from a contractual relationship. Within this scope as well as for the purpose of optimising our products and services, we may transmit data within the Wright Research Group between Group companies in India or abroad. Furthermore, we may disclose data to external service providers if this is necessary for the provision of products and services. Such service providers may not use the data for any other purpose than to process the order in question. All of the above persons and entities that may receive data must observe the applicable national and international data protection laws as well as the data protection standards of Wright Research.

Where so prescribed by applicable legislation, Wright Research may on request or under an ongoing duty to provide information disclose data to supervisory authorities, judicial authorities or other persons of authority.

Security measures of Wright Research

Wright Research will make every effort to take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to ensure that your personal data processed within the IT environment controlled by Wright Research is protected against unauthorised access, misuse, loss and/or destruction, taking account of the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Wright Research takes both physical and electronic process-specific security measures, including firewalls, personal passwords, and encryption and authentication technologies. Our employees and the service providers commissioned by us are bound by professional secrecy and must comply with all data protection provisions.

Additionally, access to personal data is restricted to only those employees, contractors and third parties who require this access in order to assure the purpose of data processing and the provision of products and services (need to know principle).

Transmission of data via an open network

Wright Research would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you use our Electronic Services via an open network, this may allow third parties (e.g. app stores, network providers or the manufacturer of your device), wherever they are located, to access and process your data. Open networks are beyond Wright Research’s control and can therefore not be regarded as a secure environment. Any transmission of data via such open network cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as data may be intercepted, amended, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, contain viruses or may be monitored. In particular, data sent via an open network may leave the country – even where both sender and recipient are in the same country – and may be transmitted to and potentially processed in third-party countries, where data protection requirements may be lower than in your country of residence.

Where data is transmitted via an open network, we cannot be held responsible for the protection of this data and we accept no responsibility or liability for the security of your data during transmission. We, therefore, recommend avoiding the transmission of any confidential information via open networks.


The Wright Research Electronic Services use cookies for statistical purposes as a tool for our web developers and to improve the user experience. Cookies are small files which are stored on your electronic device to keep track of your visit to the Electronic Services and your preferences; as you move between pages, and sometimes to save settings between visits. Cookies help the builders of Electronic Services gather statistics about how often people visit certain areas of the site, and help in tailoring Electronic Services to be more useful and user-friendly.

Please note that most web browsers accept cookies automatically. You can configure your browser to not save any or only certain cookies on your electronic device or to always display a warning before receiving a new cookie. Deactivating cookies can, however, prevent you from using certain functions on our Electronic Services.

Remark: For some Electronic Services, cookies are only persistent during user session and will be deleted after the session is terminated.

Analysis tools

We use various analysis tools from third parties such as Google Analytics for the purpose of reporting for Electronic Services. This involves the creation of pseudo-anonymised data and use of cookies to help analyse how users use our Electronic Services. The information about your use generated by these cookies, such as the

  • host name of the accessing electronic device (masked IP address)
  • type/version of browser used
  • operating system
  • referrer URL (website from which visitors are redirected to the Wright Research Electronic Services by clicking a link)
  • date and time of server request
  • device-specific information

may be transmitted to third party servers located in countries and is used for analysis purposes.

Please refer to the previous section, “Cookies”, for information on deleting cookies.


The Wright Research Electronic Services may contain links to third-party Electronic Services that are not operated or monitored by us. Please be aware that such third-party Electronic Services are not bound by this Privacy Policy and that we are not responsible for their content or their principles regarding the handling of personal data. We therefore recommend consulting and checking the individual privacy policies or terms of use of third-party Electronic Services.

Data subject rights

According to applicable data protection laws and regulations, you may have the following rights:

  • requesting information on personal data that we hold about you,
  • demanding that the information be rectified should it be incorrect,
  • asking that your data be deleted if the Bank is not permitted or is not legally obliged to retain the data,
  • demanding that the processing of your data be restricted,
  • objecting to the processing by us,
  • transferred in a generally useable, machine-readable, and standardised format.

You also have a right of appeal (as far as this affects you) to the respective Data Protection Supervisory Authority.

Questions / Contact

If you have questions about the processing of your personal data, please feel free to contact us by using the following contact details:

Name of the person: Sonam Srivastava

Designation: Founder, CEO

Address: The Capital 815A/B-Wing, opp. ICICI Bank, G Block BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051 Telephone: 91-6360127635


Grievance Redressal Policy

Private & Confidential

This process note is the property of Wright Research. The document is to be used for internal purposes only. Any unauthorized, copying, disclosure, use or distribution of the material is strictly forbidden 


Providing excellent service on a regular and consistent basis is very important for the organisation’s sustained growth. Wright Research (“WR”) believes that quick and effective handling of complaints as well as prompt corrective & preventive actions and processes are essential for providing our services. This policy document is to enable to put in place an effective and suitable mechanism for receiving and addressing complaints from investors with specific emphasis on resolving such complaints fairly and expeditiously.

Objective of this policy document is to ensure that:

  • Issues raised by investors are dealt with courtesy and are resolved on time.
  • The Company will treat all the complaints efficiently and fairly without any bias.


  • Investors: shall mean an individual, entity, body corporate or such other person who shall be an investor in securities 
  • Complaint or grievance: is “An expression of dissatisfaction made by the Investor related to the services of Wright Research”. This however needs to be differentiated from matters like from general feedback, enquiry before the due date.
  • Client/ Customer: shall mean client/ customer of Wright Research
  • Redressal: can be defined as a process or action resulting in giving solution to the problem faced by an Investor

Guiding Principles

  • Transparency: The “Investor” to be provided with information regarding the channels to convey and resolve their issues. In addition, if the resolution is expected to take longer time, same should be communicated to the Investor.
  1. Accessibility: The Company will enable the Investors to communicate their complaints/issues and avail redressal services through multiple channels.
    1. Escalation: Information on the process of escalation of complaints to higher level, in case the Investor is not satisfied with the resolution provided by the current person handling the same.
    2. Greivance Redressal Policy Registration of Complaints

      The various channels available to Investors for registering the complaints are as follows:

      • SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES)- SEBI maintains SCORES which is a web based centralized grievance redressal system of SEBI. Investors can lodge their grievances / complaints through the SCORES link available on the SEBI website. SCORES enables investors to lodge and follow up their complaints and track the status of redressal of such complaints online from the above website from anywhere. Investors can also lodge grievances / complaints in physical form at any of the offices of SEBI. Such grievances complaints would be scanned and uploaded in SCORES for processing.
      • E-Mail or Fax: Investors can log their complaint or escalate the investor grievance to an email id titled
      • Grievance Redressal Officer: Investors can contact the Compliance Officer for redressal of issues.

      Resolution of Complaints Responsibility

      • Primary responsibility is with the Compliance Officer to resolve the complaint for which he would

      liaise with the other relevant departments (like Investment Advisory, Operations, Accounts, Legal, Compliance etc).

      • If the issue cannot be resolved by the Compliance Officer, the same will be escalated to the Senior Management
      • All complaints received shall be recorded internally including how the same has been resolved

      Time for Response

      General Turn Around Time (TAT) for response to complaint is (from the receipt of the valid complaint in writing):

      • Allotment/ Refund related – 10 working days
      • Legal notices – 30 working days
      • Cases involving third party- 30 working days
      • Fraud related – 45 working days
      • All other cases- 30 working days
      • Scores related- as specified by the regulator from time to time

      Note: The above TAT can change depending upon the nature and complexity of complaint.

      Escalation of Complaints

      If an investor is not satisfied with the resolution provided through various channels or the method of handling complaint; the investor can escalate the issues to the next higher level i.e. to the Managing Director of the Company. Such escalation should be made in writing and should be delivered in the hard copy to the Corporate Office of the Company

Code of Conduct

Statement of General Policy

This Code of Ethics (“Code”) has been adopted by Wright Research and is designed to comply with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013 [sub-regulation (9) of regulation 15]

This Code establishes rules of conduct for all employees of Wright Research and is designed to, among other things, govern personal securities trading activities in the accounts of employees, immediate family/household accounts and accounts in which an employee has a beneficial interest. The Code is based upon the principle that Wright Research andits employees owe a fiduciary duty to Wright Research's clients to conduct their affairs, including their personal securities transactions, in such a manner as to avoid (i) serving their own personal interests ahead of clients, (ii) taking inappropriate advantage of their position with the firm and (iii) any actual or potential conflicts of interest or any abuse of their position of trust and responsibility.

The Code is designed to ensure that the high ethical standards long maintained by Wright Research continue to be applied. The purpose of the Code is to preclude activities which may lead to or give the appearance of conflicts of interest, insider trading and other forms of prohibited or unethical business conduct. The excellent name and reputation of our firm continues to be a direct reflection of the conduct of each employee.

Pursuant to the Investment Advisers Regulation, both Wright Research and its employees are prohibited from engaging in fraudulent, deceptive or manipulative conduct. Compliance with this section involves more than acting with honesty and good faith alone. It means that the Wright Research has an affirmative duty of utmost good faith to act solely in the best interest of its clients.

Wright Research and its employees are subject to the following specific fiduciary obligations when dealing with clients:

  • The duty to have a reasonable, independent basis for the investment advice provided;
  • The duty to obtain best execution for a client’s transactions where the Firm is in a position to direct brokerage transactions for the client;
  • The duty to ensure that investment advice is suitable to meeting the client’s individual objectives, needs and circumstances; and
  • A duty to be loyal to clients.

In meeting its fiduciary responsibilities to its clients, Wright Research expects every employee to demonstrate the highest standards of ethical conduct for continued employment with Wright Research. Strict compliance with the provisions of the Code shall be considered a basic condition of employment with Wright Research. Wright Research's reputation for fair and honest dealing with its clients has taken considerable time to build. This standing could be seriously damaged as the result of even a single securities transaction being considered questionable in light of the fiduciary duty owed to our clients. Employees are urged to seek the advice of Sonam Srivastava, the Investment Advisor, for any questions about the Code or the application of the Code to their individual circumstances. Employees should also understand that a material breach of the provisions of the Code may constitute grounds for disciplinary action, including termination of employment with Wright Research.

The provisions of the Code are not all-inclusive. Rather, they are intended as a guide for employees of Wright Research in their conduct. In those situations where an employee may be uncertain as to the intent or purpose of the Code, he/she is advised to consult with Sonam Srivastava. Sonam Srivastava may grant exceptions to certain provisions contained in the Code only in those situations when it is clear beyond dispute that the interests of our clientswill not be adversely affected or compromised. All questions arising in connection with personal securities trading should be resolved in favor of the client even at the expense of the interests of employees.

Code of Conduct for Investment Advisor

1. Honesty and fairness

An investment adviser shall act honestly, fairly and in the best interests of its clients and in the integrity of the market.

2. Diligence

An investment adviser shall act with due skill, care and diligence in the best interests of its clients and shall ensure that its advice is offered after thorough analysis and taking into account available alternatives.

3. Capabilities

An investment adviser shall have and employ effectively appropriate resources and procedures which are needed for the efficient performance of its business activities.

4. Information about clients

An investment adviser shall seek from its clients, information about their financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives relevant to the services to be provided and maintain confidentiality of such information.

5. Information to its clients

An investment adviser shall make adequate disclosures of relevant material information while dealing with its clients.

6. Fair and reasonable charges

An investment adviser advising a client may charge fees, subject to any ceiling as may be specified by the Board, if any. The investment adviser shall ensure that fees charged to the clients is fair and reasonable.

7. Conflicts of interest

An investment adviser shall try to avoid conflicts of interest as far as possible and when they cannot be avoided, it shall ensure that appropriate disclosures are made to the clients and that the clients are fairly treated.

8. Compliance

An investment adviser including its representative(s) shall comply with all regulatory requirements applicable to the conduct of its business activities so as to promote the best interests of clients and the integrity of the market.

9. Responsibility of senior management

The senior management of a body corporate which is registered as investment adviser shall bear primary responsibility for ensuring the maintenance of appropriate standards of conduct and adherence to proper procedures by the body corporate.

Accredited Investors

Accredited Investor Framework under SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020


The concept of class of investors (typically termed as accredited investors or qualified investors or professional investors) who have an understanding of various financial products and the risks- returns associated with them and are able to take informed decisions regarding their investments is recognized globally by many securities and financial market regulators.

Further, they are also considered to be capable of dealing in relatively riskier investment products due to their financial capacity and ability to absorb possible financial losses. The global regulators reckoned that these investors are sophisticated enough to not require extensive regulatory protection, and therefore, issuers of securities and providers of investment products/ services are offered a regulation-light regime, to offer their products/services to accredited investors.

Based on the above, it was envisaged by SEBI to introduce the concept of Accredited Investors in India with uniform eligibility criteria, accompanied by a flexible regulatory framework for the various securities market products and services may be beneficial to the development and growth of the Indian securities market.

Accordingly, SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020 on August 03, 2021 and SEBI circular SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-I/DF9/P/CIR/2021/620 dated August 26, 2021, introduced the concept of Accredited Investors and modalities for implementation of the framework for Accredited Investors.

In view of the same, given below is the framework for Accredited Investors:

About Accredited Investors

“Accredited Investor or AI” means any person who fulfills the applicable eligibility criteria and is granted a certificate of accreditation by an Accreditation Agency. Provided that the Central Government and the State Governments, developmental agencies set up under the aegis of the Central Government or the State Governments, funds set up by the Central Government or the State Governments, qualified institutional buyers as defined under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018, Category I foreign portfolio investors, sovereign wealth funds and multilateral agencies and any other entity as may be specified by SEBI from time to time, shall deemed to be an accredited investor and may not be required to obtain a certificate of accreditation.

“Accreditation Agency” means a subsidiary of a recognized stock exchange or a subsidiary of a depository or any other entity as may be specified by SEBI from time to time.

The following entities are currently notified as Accreditation Agency by SEBI:

  1. BSE Administration and Supervision Limited (BASL)
  2. CDSL Ventures Limited (CVL)

“Large Value Accredited Investor” means an Accredited Investor who has entered into an agreement with the Portfolio Manager for a minimum investment of INR 10 crores.

Regulatory concessions

A. Regulatory concessions

Particulars Applicability
Contents of agreement specified under Schedule IV of SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020 shall not apply to the agreement between the Portfolio Manager and Large Value Accredited Investor Large Value Accredited Investor
The requirement of minimum investment of INR 50 lakhs per client shall not apply Accredited Investor
The Portfolio Manager may offer discretionary or non-discretionary or advisory services for investment up to hundred percent of the assets under management in unlisted securities subject to the terms agreed between the client and the Portfolio Manager Large Value Accredited Investor
The quantum and manner of exit load applicable to the client as provided under the PMS regulations shall not apply and shall be governed through bilaterally negotiated contractual terms Large Value Accredited Investor

B. Eligibility Criteria for Accredited Investors

The following persons shall be eligible to be considered as Accredited Investors:

Category Criteria
  1. Annual Income >= INR 2 Crore; OR
  2. Net Worth >= INR 7.5 Crore, out of which at least INR 3.75 Crore is in the form of financial assets; OR
  3. Annual Income >= INR 1 Crore+ Net Worth >= INR 5 Crore, out of which at least INR 2.5 Crore is in the form of financial assets
Hindu Undivided Family
Family trust
Sole proprietorship
Body corporate Body corporate Net worth greater than or equal to INR 50 Crore
Trust other than family trust Trust other than family trust Net worth greater than or equal to INR 50 Crore
Partnership firmset up under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Partnership firmset up under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Each partner independently meets the eligibility accreditation criteria for

The eligibility criteria shall be reckoned as follows:

  1. Net worth calculation:
  2. Category Particulars
    Individual The value of the primary residence shall not be considered for calculation of net worth
    Karta of HUF The value of the primary residence shall not be considered for calculation of net worth
    Sole Proprietor The value of the primary residence shall not be considered for calculation of net worth
    Body Corporate Net worth shall be calculated as under:
    Net worth = (Capital + free reserves) – (Accumulated losses + deferred expenditure not written off)
    Trustee Net worth shall be calculated as under:
    Net worth = (Capital + free reserves) – (Accumulated losses + deferred expenditure not written off)

  3. In case of investments held jointly by more than one individual, the following conditions shall apply for eligibility as Accredited Investor:
    1. Where the joint holders are parent(s) & child(ren), at least one person should independently fulfill the eligibility criteria for Accredited Investor.
    2. Where the joint holders are spouses, their combined income/ net worth should meet the eligibility criteria for Accredited Investor.
  4. For Body Corporates and Trusts, eligibility criteria for accreditation shall be considered on the basis of the following:
    1. Financial information as per statutory audit; or
    2. Financial information as per audit by the statutory auditor as on a date during the financial year in which application is made (if furnished).
  5. The eligibility of foreign investors to be accredited shall be determined on the basis of the rupee equivalent of their income and/ or net worth as applicable.

Procedure for obtaining Accreditation

  1. For accreditation, the prospective investor shall make an application to the Accreditation Agency in the manner specified in Annexure A.
  2. Detailed documentation required for accreditation is provided at Annexure B.
  3. Accreditation Agency shall verify that, at the time of accreditation, the applicant is ‘fit and proper’ to participate in the securities market, including absence of any convictions or restraint orders, not being a willful defaulter, etc.
  4. The Accreditation Agency shall issue a certificate to the Applicant as an Accredited Investor (“Accreditation Certificate”). Each Accreditation Certificate shall have a unique accreditation number, name of the Accreditation Agency, PAN of the Applicant and validity of accreditation (start date and end date)

Validity of Accreditation

  1. If eligibility criteria are met for preceding 1 year, then accreditation shall be valid for 1 year from the date of such accreditation.
  2. If eligibility criteria are met for preceding 3 years consistently, then accreditation shall be valid for 2 years from the date of such accreditation.

Procedure to avail benefits linked to accreditation

  1. Prospective investor shall provide copy of the Accreditation Certificate to Portfolio Manager along with the undertaking stating that:
    1. The prospective investor wishes to avail AI benefits (“Consent”);
    2. The prospective investor has the ability to bear financial risk associated with investment;
    3. The prospective investor has the necessary knowledge and means to understand the features of investment product feature and risks;
    4. The prospective investor is aware that the investment product is meant for AIs and may not be subject to the same regulatory oversight as over investment products meant for investors other than AI.

    The Portfolio Manager may obtain additional undertakings from prospective investors in addition to the above.

  2. The Portfolio Manager shall independently verify the status of accreditation of the prospective investor from the concerned Accreditation Agency.
  3. The agreement between Portfolio Manager Advisor and the client shall provide the following:
    1. details of regulatory concessions agreed upon between the investor and the Portfolio Manager, and the conditions for availing the same, and
    2. consequences, if any, in the event of the investor becoming ineligible to be an AI during the tenure of the said agreement
    3. modalities for withdrawal of ‘Consent’ and consequences of the investor withdrawing the ‘Consent’

Flexibility to investors to withdraw ‘Consent’

Investors shall have the flexibility to withdraw their ‘Consent’ and discontinue availing benefits of accreditation, subject to the following:

  1. An Accredited Investor who withdraws ‘Consent’ after availing the benefit of lower ticket size shall be required to increase the investment to the minimum amount i.e. INR 50 Lakhs with respect to the Portfolio Management Services within the timeframe specified in the client agreement.
  2. If an investor who has availed concessions to the regulatory framework withdraws the ‘Consent’ furnished to the Portfolio Manager before the expiry of the client agreement, the investments already made shall be ‘grandfathered’ i.e. such investments shall continue to be reckoned as investments by an Accredited Investor. With effect from the date of withdrawal of consent, any further transaction shall be in accordance with the applicable regulatory framework
  3. The client agreement shall, inter-alia, provide the modalities for withdrawal of ‘Consent’ and consequences of the investor withdrawing the ‘Consent’.

Annexure A- Process for obtaining Accreditation

A. BASL has specified the following process flow for obtaining Accredited Investor certification:

  1. Prospective AI shall register online on under “Accredited Investor Login”
  2. Thereafter, prospective AI shall provide relevant details and upload self-attested documents required for obtaining AI Certificate.
  3. Prospective AI will be redirected to payment of fees page. BASL Accredited Investor certification charges/ fees are as follows:
    Investor Category Fees and Charges (Rs.)*
    BASL Processing Charges BASL Certification Fees
    For One Year Tenure For Two Year Tenure
    Individuals, HUFs, Family Trusts and Sole Proprietorships Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 9,500/-
    Partnership Firms Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 19,000/-
    Trusts (other than family trusts) Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 28,500/-
    Body Corporates Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 28,500/-

    *plus taxes as applicable. Both Processing and Certification fees need to be paid at the time of submission of application. The Processing charges are non-refundable.

  4. After successful payment of fees the said application shall be forwarded to BASL for verification of the concerned AI.
  5. BASL shall carryout the processing of AI application by cross verify the details and documents as provided by the AI on the portal. BASL shall check and verify AI’s (a) KYC details (b) financials (c) Undertakings, etc as submitted on the portal and on processing of the application inform AI of the:
    1. Approved status of its application in case all details and documents as submitted are in order asper the requirements and AI is fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
    2. In case the application is not approved and/or rejected the reason in respect of same.
    3. In case of incomplete submission of details / documents, BASL shall seek additional information for further processing of the application.
  6. BASL shall issue its certificate to the eligible Accredited Investor applicants whose application has been approved by BASL. The relevant details including the validity period will be displayed on the certificate.

    The investors are advised to visit for detailed user manual and updates notified by BASL from time to time

B. CVL has specified the following process flow for obtaining Accredited Investor certification:

  1. Prospective AI shall register online on under “Investor”.
  2. Thereafter, prospective AI shall provide relevant details and upload self-attested documents required for obtaining AI Certificate
  3. Prospective AI will be redirected to payment of fees page. CVL Accredited Investor certification charges/ fees are as follows:
    Investor Category Fees and Charges (Rs.)*
    CVL Processing Charges CVL Certification Fees
    For One Year Tenure For Two Year Tenure
    Individuals, HUFs, Family Trusts and Sole Proprietorships Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 9,500/-
    Partnership Firms Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 19,000/-
    Trusts (other than family trusts) Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 28,500/-
    Body Corporates Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 28,500/-


    • The same charges would be applicable for renewal.
    • The Processing fee would be non-refundable.
    • Taxes at applicable rates would be applicable additionally.
  4. After successful payment of fees the said application shall be forwarded to CVL for verification of the concerned AI
  5. For the applications successfully submitted, CVL would initiate the verification process.
  6. If required, for additional information/documents, queries would be raised to the investor on the registered email-id.
  7. If the details submitted are found to be in order and meet eligible criteria, the application would be approved and the accredited investor certificate would be issued. In such cases, investor would be able to access the accredited investor certificate.
  8. The accredited investor certificate would contain the details of the investor along with the validity period.
  9. If the application is not found to be in order, the same would be rejected

The investors are advised to visit for detailed user manual and updates notified by CVL from time to time.

Annexure B-Documentation required for obtaining Accreditation






Anti Money Laundering


  • The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) has been brought into force with effect from 1st July, 2005. Necessary Notifications /Rules under the said Act have been published in the Gazette of India on 1stJuly 2005 by the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
  • As per PMLA, every banking company, financial institution (which includes Chit Fund company, a co-operative bank, a housing finance institution and non-banking financial company) and Intermediary (which includes stock-broker, sub-broker, share transfer agent, banker to an issue, trustee to a trust deed, registrar to an issue, merchant banker, underwriter, Portfolio Manager, Investment adviser and any other intermediary Associated with securities market and registered under section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992) shall have to maintain a cord of all the transactions, the nature and value of which has been prescribed in the Rules notified under the PMLA. For the purpose of PMLA, transactions include:
  • All cash transactions of the value of more than Rs.10 lakhs or its equivalent in foreign currency.
  • All series of cash transactions integrally connected to each other, which have been valued below Rs.10 lakhs or its equivalent in foreign currency, such series of transactions within one calendar month.
  • All suspicious transactions whether or not made in cash and including inter-alia, credits or debits into from any non monetary account such as Demat account, security account maintained by the registered intermediary.

For the purpose of suspicious transactions reporting apart from `transactions integrally Connected', `transactions remotely connected or related need to be considered.

“Suspicions Transactions” means a transaction whether or not made in cash which to a person acting in good faith –

  • Gives rise to a reasonable ground of suspicion that it may involve the Proceeds of crime; or
  • Appears to be made in circumstances of unusual or unjustified complexity; or
  • Appears to have no economic rationale or bonafide purpose
  • The Anti-Money Laundering Guidelines provides a general background on the subjects of money laundering and terrorist financing in India and provides guidance on the practical implications of the PMLA. The PMLA Guidelines sets out the steps that a registered intermediary and any of its representatives need to implement to discourage and identify any money laundering or terrorist financing activities.


The main objectives of the PMLA are as follows:

  • To have a proper Customer Due Diligence (CDD) process before registering clients.
  • To monitor / maintain records of all cash transactions of the value of more than Rs.10 lacs.
  • To maintain records of all series of integrally connected cash transactions within one calendar month. 
  • To monitor and report suspicious transactions.
  • To discourage and identify money laundering or terrorist financing activities.
  • To take adequate and appropriate measures to follow the spirit of the PMLA.


Brokers being SEBI registered intermediaries have to comply with the spirit of anti money laundering provisions. To comply with PMLA, the following three specific parameters should be observed, which are related to the overall `Client Due Diligence Process':

  • Policy for acceptance of clients;
  • Procedure for identifying the clients;
  • Transaction monitoring and reporting especially Suspicious Transactions Reporting (STR).

Client / Customer Due Diligence (CDD):

For the purpose of CDD, Broker is dealing with institutional clients. According to SEBI regulation / rules Institutional clients includes:

  • Banks
  • Mutual Funds
  • Foreign Institutional Investors (FII)
  • Financial Institutions
  • Insurance Companies

According to SEBI, all trades done by institutional clients should be settled through Clearing House. In clearing house trade, trades are settled by the Broker and custodian of the respective client.

In view of above, following steps to be taken to comply with `Customer Due Diligence' process before registering as client:

  • Obtain basic details for the purpose of complying with KYC norms prescribed by SEBI.
  • List of Directors and authorized person to trade on behalf of client and copy of Board resolution to that effect.
  • Obtain SEBI registration number.
  • Custodian details with whom clients trade to be settled.
  • Obtain contact details of client front / back office and contact person.
  • Obtain PAN NO. (Income Tax number).
  • Obtain risk Disclosure Document duly executed by prospective client as prescribed by SEBI.

The client / customer due diligence (CDD) measures comprise the following:

  • Client Information & Identity:
  • Before registering a client, obtain antecedent information. Verify independently information submitted by client but not limited to his identity, registered office address, correspondence address, contact details, occupation, Promoters /Directors, source of income, experience in securities market, PAN no. SEBI Registration No. etc. Obtain as many as information. Generally Institutional clients are recognized at global level. We need to verify clients identity and origin using services of Bloomberg, Reuters, internet services or any other reliable, independent source documents, data or information. After verifying information, registration form along with other supporting documents should be approved by the Compliance Officer designated for verification.

  • Beneficial Ownership and control:
  • After completing the registration process, the client account should be verified by an independent employee to check the actual beneficial ownership and control of the particular account. We need to obtain the details with respect to Shareholders, Promoters from the client and it has to be verified independently. In this process we should find out who is authorized to operate the client's account and who is ultimately controlling the account. Also verify the sources of funds for funding the transaction. We also have to take care at the time of settlement regarding the nature of transaction, movement / source of transaction, etc. Periodically ask for client's financial details to determine the genuineness of transaction

    The “Beneficial Owner” is the natural person or persons who ultimately own, control or influence a client and / or persons on whose behalf a transaction is being conducted. It also incorporates those persons who exercise ultimate effective control over a legal person or arrangement.

  • Ongoing due diligence and scrutiny:
  • Periodically we need to conduct due diligence and scrutiny of client's transactions and accounts to ensure that transactions are being conducted in knowledge, to find out the risk profile, source of funds, etc. At regular interval, ongoing due diligence and scrutiny need to be conduct i.e. perform ongoing scrutiny of the transactions and account throughout the course of the business relationship to ensure that the transactions being conducted are consistent with the Organization’s knowledge of the client, its business and risk profile, taking into account, where necessary, the customer's source of funds.

    Policy for acceptance of clients:

    Before registering client, we need to identify the following details of the prospective client:

    • Ascertain the category of clients before registration as Client. (i.e. Individual or Corporate, FII, Mutual Fund, PMS or other).
    • Obtain all necessary documents for registration. (Photograph, Photo Identity, Proof of Address, copy of PAN, etc.). Documents should be verified with original and same to be counter signed by Authorized representative of the organization.
    • Obtain a copy of Bank Statement for ascertaining the mode of payment of transaction.
    • Registration of clients to be made on the physical presence of the prospective client.
    • Obtain antecedent details of the prospective client.
    •  Ensure that new registration is to be made in clients name only.
    • Ensure that the account should not open in a fictitious or benami name.
    • Client's occupation, sources of income.
    • Determine the parameter to categories of client as per risk.
    • Obtain financial statements for at least for the last 2 years duly certified by Chartered Accountants.
    • Ensure that all details of KYC form should be complete in all respect Incomplete KYC should not accept by organization.
    • Organization should not register clients in case any kind of doubt has been raised by the client (i.e. unable to submit required form/proof, any suspicious behavior noticed at the time of registration, etc.)
    • Account should not open where the organization cannot apply Customer Due Diligence / KYC policies.
    • The client's account should be scrutinized regularly for determining the nature of the transaction taking place. In case of any suspicious transaction, the account should be freezer or securities / money should not be delivered to client.

    The following safeguards are to be followed while accepting the clients:

    • The client account should not be opened in a fictitious / benami name or on an Anonymous basis.
    • Risk perception of the client need to defined having regard to :
      • Client's' location (registered office address, correspondence addresses and Other addresses if applicable);
      • Nature of business activity, tracing turnover etc. and
      • Manner of making payment for transactions undertaken.

    The parameters of clients into low, medium and high risk should be classified. Clients of special category (as given below) may be classified as higher risk and higher degree of due diligence and regular update of KYC profile should be performed.

    • Documentation like KYC, Broker-client agreement and Risk Disclosure Document and other information from different category of client prescribed by SEBI and any other regulatory authority to be collected depending on perceived risk and having regard to the requirement to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002,guidelines issued by RBI and SEBI from time to time.
    • Ensure that a client account is not opened where the organization is unable to apply appropriate client's due diligence measures / KYC policies. This may be applicable in cases where it is not possible to ascertain the identity of the client, information provided to the organization is suspected to be non-genuine, perceived non-co-operation of the client in providing full and complete information. Discontinue to do business with such a person and file a suspicious activity report.

    We can also evaluate whether there is suspicious trading in determining whether to freeze or close the account. Should be cautious to ensure that it does not return securities or money that may be from suspicious trades. However, we can consult the relevant authorities in determining what action should be taken when it suspects suspicious trading.

    • We need to comply with adequate formalities when a client is permitted to act on behalf of another person / entity. It should be clearly specified the manner in which the account should be operated, transaction limits for the operation, additional authority required for transactions exceeding a specified quantity /value and other appropriate details. The rights and responsibilities of both the persons (i.e. the agent-client registered with Broker, as well as the person on whose behalf the agent is acting) should be clearly laid down. Adequate verification of a person's authority to act on behalf of the customer should be carried out.
    • Necessary checks and balances to be put in place before opening an account so as to ensure that the identity of the client does not match with any person having known criminal background or is not banned in any other manner, whether in terms of criminal or civil proceedings by any enforcement agency worldwide.

    Acceptance of clients through Risk-Based Approach:

    The clients may be of a higher or lower risk category depending on circumstances such as the customer's background, type of business relationship or transaction etc. We should apply each of the clients due diligence measures on a risk sensitive basis. We should adopt an enhanced customer due diligence process for higher risk categories of customers. Conversely, a simplified customer due diligence process may be adopted for lower risk categories of customers. In line with the risk-based approach, we should obtain the type and amount of identification information and documents necessarily dependent on the risk category of a particular customer.

    Clients of special category (CSC):

    CSC clients include the following:

    • Non-resident clients (NRI);
    • High Net worth clients (HNI)
    • Trust, Charities, NGOs and organizations receiving donations.
    • Companies having close family shareholdings or beneficial ownership.
    • Politically exposed persons (PEP) of foreign origin
    • Current /Former Head of State, Current or Former Senior High profile politicians and connected persons (immediate family, close advisors and companies in which such individuals have interest or significant influence);
    • Companies offering foreign exchange offerings;
    • Clients in high risk countries (where existence / effectiveness of money laundering controls is suspect, where there is unusual banking secrecy. Countries active in narcotics production, Countries where corruption (as per Transparency International Corruption Perception Index) is highly prevalent, Countries against which government sanctions are applied, Countries reputed to be any of the following -- Havens / sponsors of international terrorism, offshore financial centers, tax havens, countries where fraud is highly prevalent;
    • Non-face to face clients;
    • Clients with dubious reputation as per public information available etc.

    The above mentioned list is only illustrative and we should exercise independent judgment to ascertain whether new clients should be classified as CSC or not.

    Client identification procedure:

    To follow the Client Identification procedure we need to follow the following


      • The `Know Your Client' (KYC) policy should be strictly observed with respect to the client identification procedures which need to be carried out at different states i.e. while establishing the Broker – client relationship, while carrying out transactions for the client or when have any doubts regarding the veracity or the adequacy of previously obtained client identification data.
      • The client should be identified by using reliable sources including documents / information. Obtain adequate information to satisfactorily establish the identity of each new client and the purpose of the intended nature of the relationship.
      • The information should be adequate enough to satisfy competent authorities (regulatory / enforcement authorities) in future that due diligence was observed in compliance with the Guidelines. Each original document should be seen prior to acceptance of a copy and it is verified and duly attested.
      • Failure by prospective clients to provide satisfactory evidence of identity should be noted and reported to the higher authority within the organization.
      • SEBI has prescribed the minimum requirements relating to KYC for certain classes of the registered intermediaries from time to time. Taking into account the basic principles enshrined in the KYC norms, internal guidelines should be followed in dealing with clients and legal requirements as per the established practices. Also maintain continuous familiarity and follow-up where it notices inconsistencies in the information provided by the client. The principles enshrined in the PML Act, 2002 as well as the SEBI Act, 1992 should be followed, so that Company is aware of the clients on whose behalf it is dealing

    Record Keeping:

    For the purpose of the record keeping provision, we should ensure compliance with the record keeping requirements contained in the SEBI Act, 1992, Rules and Regulations made there-under, PLM act, 2002 as well as other relevant legislation, Rules, Regulations, Exchange Bye-laws and Circulars.

    Records to be maintained should be sufficient to permit reconstruction of individual transactions (including the amounts and type of currencies involved, if any) so as to provide, if necessary, evidence for prosecution of criminal behavior.

    Should there be any suspected drug related or other laundered money or terrorist property, the competent investigating authorities would need to trace through the audit trail for reconstructing the financial profile of the suspect's account. To enable this reconstruction, organizations should retain the following information for the accounts of their customers in order to maintain a satisfactory audit trail.

    • The beneficial owner of the account;
    • The volume of the funds flowing through the account; and
    • For selected transactions:
    • The origin of the funds;
    • The form in which the funds were offered or withdrawn, e.g cash, cheques, etc;
    • The identity of the person undertaking the transaction;
    • the destination of the funds;
    • The form of instruction and authority.

    Organization should ensure that all client and transaction records and information are made available on a timely basis to the competent investigating authorities.

    Retention of Records:

    The following document retention terms should be observed:

    • All necessary records on transactions, both domestic and international, should be Maintained at least for the minimum period of ten years (10) from the date of Cessation of the transaction.
    • Records on customer identification (e.g. copies or records of official identification documents like passports, identity cards, driving licenses or similar documents), account files and business correspondence should also be kept for the ten years from the date of cessation of the transaction.
    • Records shall be maintained in hard and soft copies.

    In situations where the records relate to on-going investigation or transactions, which Have been the subject of a suspicious transaction reporting, they should be retained until it is confirmed that the case has been closed.

    Monitoring of transactions:

    Regular monitoring of transactions is required for ensuring effectiveness of the Anti Money laundering procedures.

    Special attention required to all complex, unusually large transactions / patterns which Appear to have no economic purpose. Internal threshold limits to specify for each class of client's accounts and pay special attention to the transaction, which exceeds these limits.

    Should ensure that the records of the transaction are preserved and maintained in terms of the PMLA 2002 and that transactions of suspicious nature or any other transaction notified under section 12 of the act are reported to the appropriate authority. Suspicious transactions should also be regularly reported to the higher authorities / head of the department.

    Further the Compliance Department should randomly examine select transaction

    undertaken by clients to comment on their nature i.e. whether they are in the suspicious

    Transactions or not


    Suspicious Transaction Monitoring & Reporting:

    Whether a particular transaction is suspicious or not will depend upon the background, details of the transactions and other facts and circumstances. Followings are the circumstances, which may be in the nature of suspicious


    • Clients whose identity verification seems difficult or clients appear to be not cooperating.
    • Asset management services for clients where the source of the funds is not clear Or not in keeping with client's apparent standing / business activity;
    • Clients in high -risk jurisdictions or clients introduced by banks or affiliates or other Clients based in high risk jurisdictions;
    • Substantial increases in business without apparent cause.
    • Unusually large cash deposits made by an individual or business;
    • Clients transferring large sums of money to or from overseas locations with Instructions for payment in cash;
    • Transfer of investment proceeds to apparently unrelated third parties;
    • Unusual transactions by “Client of special category (CSCs)” and businesses Undertaken by shall corporations, offshore banks / financial services, business Reported to be in the nature of export-import of small items.

    Any suspicion transaction needs to be notified immediately to the designated Principal Officer. The notification may be done in the form of a detailed report with Specific reference to the client's transactions and the nature / reason of suspicion. However, it should be ensured that there is continuity in dealing with the client as Normal until told otherwise and the client should not be told of the report /suspicion. In exceptional circumstances, consent may not be given to continue to operate the Account and transactions may be suspended, in one or more jurisdictions concerned in the transaction, or other action taken.

    Principal Officer Designation and duties:

    Wright Research has designated Ms. Sonam Srivastava, as the Principal Officer for due compliance of anti money laundering policies related to PMS Activities. She will be responsible for implementation of internal controls & procedures for identifying and reporting any suspicious transaction or activity to the FIU – IND.

    Wright Research has designated Mr. Siddharth Singh Bhaisora, as the Principal Officer for due compliance of anti money laundering policies related to RIA Activities. She will be responsible for implementation of internal controls & procedures for identifying and reporting any suspicious transaction or activity to the FIU – IND.

    Disclosure - RIA

    The particulars given in this Disclosure Document have been prepared in accordance with SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013.

    The purpose of the Document is to provide essential information about the Investment Advisory Services in a manner to assist and enable the prospective client/client in making an informed decision for engaging Investment Advisor before investing.

    For the purpose of this Disclosure Document, Investment Adviser is “Wright Research & Capital Pvt Ltd” company registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India as an Investment Advisor under SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013 vide registration no. INA100015717 dated Jan 12, 2021 having its registered office at 103, Shagun Vatika, Prag Narayan Road, Lucknow 226001, India.

    A. Descriptions about Wright Research (“WR”)

    History, Present business and Background

    WR was originally started as a trademark name for the investment advisory services given by Sonam Srivastava and the registration got transferred to private limited company “Wryght Research & Private Limited” The current Principal Officer for the RIA department is Mr Siddharth Singh Bhaisora

    In the capacity as advisers WR aligns its interests with those of the client and seeks to provide the best suited advice based on clients risk profile. WR first tries to understand the client's return expectations, risk taking ability & goals, which in turn helps to arrive at an asset allocation suitable for the client. WR conducts frequent portfolio reviews and suggests any corrective action/s if required.

    Terms & conditions for advisory services

    WR will provide Advisory Services which shall be in the nature of investment advice, and may include buying and selling the securities for an for an agreed fee structure and which may be for a definite period of time and which may vary / change from time to time, entirely at the Client’s risk. The detailed terms and conditions are as per the agreement executed between client and WR.

    Disciplinary history

    No action has been taken against the Individual or the Company as an Investment Adviser by any regulator.

    Investment Advisory Audits

    “Disclosure with respect to compliance with Annual compliance audit requirement under Regulation 19(3) of SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (INVESTMENT ADVISERS) REGULATIONS, 2013 for last and current financial year are as under :

    Financial Year Compliance Audit Status Remarks
    FY20-21 Completed
    FY21-22 Completed
    FY22-23 Completed
    FY23-24 Completed

    Affiliations with other intermediaries

    No other affiliations or intermediaries have been registered.

    B. Disclosures with respect to receipt of any consideration by way of remuneration or compensation or in any other form whatsoever, received or receivable by WR or any of its associates or subsidiaries for any distribution or execution services in respect of the products or securities for which the investment advice is provided to the client

    WR do not have any distribution or execution arrangement with the issuers of the securities, that WR advises on. The fellow subsidiaries of WR may receive distribution commission/referral fee or similar income in respect of the product or securities for which investment advice is provided to the client by WR. The indicative commissions received by fellow subsidiaries are available on the website.

    C. Disclosure of consideration by way of remuneration or compensation or in any form whatsoever with respect to recommending the services of a stock broker or other intermediary to a client

    WR does not recommend services of any stock broker or intermediary to a client. WR does not have any commission sharing agreement with any intermediary for recommending the services either as a stock broker or as other intermediary.

    D. Disclosures with respect to WR’s own holding position in financial products / securities

    Although WR is not registered as a broker with SEBI, it is not actively engaged into any proprietary trading. It might invest in financial products / securities in the future.

    E. Actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from any connection to or association with any issuer of products/ securities, including any material information or facts that might compromise its objectivity or independence in the carrying on of investment advisory services:

    WR is a separate legal entity which has an independent activity of providing the Investment Advisory services. WR does not provide any other services in stock broking, depository, research, portfolio management and distribution of mutual funds and third party products. 

    F. Disclosure of all material facts relating to the key features of the products or securities, particularly, performance track record, warnings, disclaimers etc.

    Clients are requested to go through the detailed key features, performance track record of the product, or security including warnings, disclaimers etc. before investing as and when provided by the Investment Advisor. Such product materials may also be available

    G. Drawing client’s attention to warnings, disclaimers in documents, advertising materials relating to investment products.

    WR and the Investment Advisers of WR who provide the investment advice to the clients, shall draw the client’s attention to the warnings, disclaimers in documents, advertising materials relating to an investment product/s which he/she/they is/are recommending to the client/s.

    H. Standard Risk Factors as perceived by Investment Adviser:

    1. Investments in equities, derivatives and mutual funds are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objective of the investment / products will be achieved.
    2. The past performance does not indicate its future performance. There is no assurance that past performances will be repeated. Investors are not being offered any guaranteed or indicative returns.
    3. As with any investment in securities, the NAV of the portfolio can go up or down depending upon the factors and forces affecting the capital market.
    4. The performance of the investments/products may be affected by changes in Government policies, general levels of interest rates and risks associated with trading volumes, liquidity and settlement systems in equity and debt markets.
    5. Investments in the products which the Clients have opted are subject to wide range of risks which inter alia also include but not limited to economic slow down, volatility & illiquidity of the stocks, poor corporate performance, economic policies, changes of Government and its policies, acts of God, acts of war, civil disturbance, sovereign action and /or such other acts/ circumstance beyond the control of WR or any of its fellow subsidiaries.
    6. The names of the products/nature of investments do not in any manner indicate their prospects or returns. The performance in the equity products may be adversely affected by the performance of individual companies, changes in the market place and industry specific and macro-economic factors.
    7. Investments in debt instruments and other fixed income securities are subject to default risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. Interest rate risk results from changes in demand and supply for money and other macroeconomic factors and creates price changes in the value of the debt instruments. Consequently, the NAV of the portfolio may be subject to the fluctuation.
    8. Investments in debt instruments are subject to reinvestment risks as interest rates prevailing on interest amount or maturity due dates may differ from the original coupon of the bond, which might result in the proceeds being invested at a lower rate.
    9. The product may invest in non-publicly offered debt securities and unlisted equities. This may expose the investment/product to liquidity risks.
    10. Engaging in securities lending is subject to risks related to fluctuations in collateral value / settlement/ liquidity/counter party.
    11. The product may use derivatives instruments like index futures, stock futures and options contracts, warrants, convertible securities, swap agreements or any other derivative instruments. Usage of derivatives will expose portfolio to certain risk inherent to such derivatives.
    12. The use of derivative requires a high degree of skill, diligence and expertise. Thus, derivatives are highly leveraged instruments. Small price movement in the underlying security could have a large impact on their value. Other risks in using derivatives include the risk of mis-pricing or improper valuation of derivatives and the inability of derivatives to correlate perfectly with underlying assets, rates and indices.
    13. The NAV may be affected by changes in settlement periods and transfer procedures.
    14. The Investment Advisor may, considering the overall level of risk of the portfolio, advice for investment in lower rated/unrated securities offering higher yield. This may increase the risk of the portfolio. Such investments shall be subject to the scope of investments as laid down in the Agreement.

    General Risks:

    We trust that, before executing on the advice of the Investment Adviser, our Relationship Manager at WR has provided you with all the information about the products, risk factors etc. and you have gone through all the relevant information about the product being advised and have sought requisite clarification about the same.

    WR shall maintain complete confidentiality of all information provided by the client/s and shall not disclose any such information, without your prior consent except if such disclosure is required to be made in compliance with any applicable law or regulatory direction. WR will obtain information pertaining to your orders/transactions/portfolio/funds availability/securities availability etc. from the individual Investment Adviser to enable us to provide you with informed and appropriate advice.

    Wright Research & Capital Pvt Ltd may, from time to time, hold certain stocks recommended in the model portfolios within its Portfolio Management Services (PMS), which operates independently and separately from the research analyst team. There is a strict segregation of duties between the portfolio manager responsible for PMS research, investment, and management, and the research analyst responsible for model portfolio recommendations under our RA services. This structure eliminates any conflict of interest, as the PMS team operates independently and does not share stock insights, advice, or inputs with the research analyst team. Robust internal controls are in place to monitor and mitigate any potential conflicts, maintaining transparency and prioritizing client interests.

    Investors Services:

    The detail of investor relation officer who shall attend to the investor queries and complaints is mentioned below:

    Name of the person: Siddharth Singh Bhaisora

    Designation: Investment Advisor

    Address: The Capital 815A/B-Wing, opp. ICICI Bank, G Block BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051 Telephone: 91-6360127635


    In case of any grievances the investors may email to

    Disclosure - RA

    Wryght Research & Capital Pvt Ltd is registered with SEBI as a Research Analyst with INH000017295 as the SEBI registration number. The registered office address of Wryght Research & Capital Pvt Ltd is 102, Shagun Vatika, Prag Narayan Road, Lucknow 226001, India. The CIN number of the company is U67100UP2019PTC123244.

    The content and data available in the material prepared by the company and on the website of the company, including but not limited to index value, return numbers and rationale are for information and illustration purposes only. Charts and performance numbers do not include the impact of transaction fee and other related costs. Past performance does not guarantee future returns and performances of the portfolios are subject to market risk. Data used for calculation of historical returns and other information is provided by exchange approved third party vendors and has neither been audited nor validated by the Company. Detailed return calculation methodology is available here. Detailed volatility calculation methodology is available here.

    Information present in the material prepared by the company and on the website of the company shall not be considered as a recommendation or solicitation of an investment. Investors are responsible for their investment decisions and are responsible to validate all the information used to make the investment decision. Investor should understand that his/her investment decision is based on personal investment needs and risk tolerance, and information present in the material prepared by the company and on the website of the company is one among many other things that should be considered while making an investment decision. Investments in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing.

    Registration granted by SEBI, membership of BASL (in case of RAs) and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors. The purpose of the Document is to provide essential information about the Research Analyst Services in a manner to assist and enable the prospective client/client in making an informed decision for engaging Research Analyst before investing.

    A. Descriptions about Wright Research (“WR”)

    History, Present business and Background

    Wright Research (WR), in its capacity as a SEBI-Registered Research Analyst, is dedicated to providing in-depth and objective research and market analysis. WR specializes in generating insights based on data-driven methodologies and market research, aimed at helping clients and investors make informed decisions. Our research covers a wide spectrum of securities, industries, and market trends, without providing personalized research analysis or engaging in client-specific risk profiling. WR focuses on delivering research reports and recommendations based on publicly available data, financial reports, and market conditions.

    Terms & Conditions for Research Analyst Services

    WR provides Research Analyst services that include the publication of research reports, security analysis, and market insights. These services are delivered through various means, such as reports, newsletters, and digital platforms. WR does not engage in executing transactions or managing individual portfolios, nor does it provide personalized advisory services like risk profiling or client-specific investment recommendations. All decisions based on WR’s research are made solely by the client, and WR assumes no responsibility for the outcomes of such decisions. The terms of use for WR’s research services are governed by the agreements and disclosures made available to all clients, and WR reserves the right to amend or update these terms as necessary.

    Disciplinary history

    No action has been taken against the Individual or the Company as an Research Analyst by any regulator.

    Affiliations with other intermediaries

    No other affiliations or intermediaries have been registered.

    B. Disclosures with respect to receipt of any consideration by way of remuneration or compensation or in any other form whatsoever, received or receivable by WR or any of its associates or subsidiaries for any distribution or execution services in respect of the researchs or securities for which the research analysis is provided to the client

    WR do not have any distribution or execution arrangement with the issuers of the securities, that WR publishes research on.

    C. Disclosure of consideration by way of remuneration or compensation or in any form whatsoever with respect to recommending the services of a stock broker or other intermediary to a client

    WR does not recommend services of any stock broker or intermediary to a client. WR does not have any commission sharing agreement with any intermediary for recommending the services either as a stock broker or as other intermediary.

    D. Disclosures with respect to WR’s own holding position in financial products / securities

    Although WR is not registered as a broker with SEBI, it is not actively engaged in to any proprietary trading. It invest in financial products / securities.

    E. Actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from any connection to or association with any issuer of products/ securities, including any material information or facts that might compromise its objectivity or independence in the carrying on of research analyst services:

    WR is a separately identifiable department which has an independent activity of providing the Research Analyst services. WR does not provide any other services in stock broking, depository, and distribution of mutual funds and third party products. We provide portfolio management services as well.

    F. Disclosure of all material facts relating to the key features of the research, particularly, performance track record, warnings, disclaimers etc.

    Clients are requested to go through the detailed key features, performance track record of the product, or security including warnings, disclaimers etc. before investing as and when provided by the Research Analyst. Such product materials may also be available to or or

    G. Drawing client’s attention to warnings, disclaimers in documents, advertising materials relating to investment products.

    WR and the Research Analysts of WR who provide the research analysis to the clients, shall draw the client’s attention to the warnings, disclaimers in documents, advertising materials relating to an investment product/s which he/she/they is/are publishing in the research.

    H. Standard Risk Factors as perceived by Research Analyst:

    1. Investments in equities, derivatives and mutual funds are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objective of the research will be achieved. The past performance does not indicate its future performance. There is no assurance that past performances will be repeated. Investors are not being offered any guaranteed or indicative returns.
    2. The performance of the research may be affected by changes in Government policies, general levels of interest rates and risks associated with trading volumes, liquidity and settlement systems in equity and debt markets.
    3. Investments in the research which the Clients have opted are subject to wide range of risks which inter alia also include but not limited to economic slow down, volatility & illiquidity of the stocks, poor corporate performance, economic policies, changes of Government and its policies, acts of God, acts of war, civil disturbance, sovereign action and /or such other acts/ circumstance beyond the control of WR or any of its fellow subsidiaries.
    4. The names of the research do not in any manner indicate their prospects or returns. The performance in the equity research may be adversely affected by the performance of individual companies, changes in the market place and industry specific and macro-economic factors.
    5. Investments in debt instruments and other fixed income securities are subject to default risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. Interest rate risk results from changes in demand and supply for money and other macroeconomic factors and creates price changes in the value of the debt instruments.
    6. Engaging in securities lending is subject to risks related to fluctuations in collateral value / settlement/ liquidity/counter party.
    7. The research may use derivatives instruments like index futures, stock futures and options contracts, warrants, convertible securities, swap agreements or any other derivative instruments. Usage of derivatives will expose portfolio to certain risk inherent to such derivatives.
    8. The use of derivative requires a high degree of skill, diligence and expertise. Thus, derivatives are highly leveraged instruments. Small price movement in the underlying security could have a large impact on their value. Other risks in using derivatives include the risk of mis-pricing or improper valuation of derivatives and the inability of derivatives to correlate perfectly with underlying assets, rates and indices.

    General Risks:

    We trust that, before executing on the research of the Research Analyst,we have provided you with all the information about the research, risk factors etc. and you have gone through all the relevant information about the research and have sought requisite clarification about the same.

    WR shall maintain complete confidentiality of all information provided by the client/s and shall not disclose any such information, without your prior consent except if such disclosure is required to be made in compliance with any applicable law or regulatory direction

    Wright Research & Capital Pvt Ltd may, from time to time, hold certain stocks recommended in the model portfolios within its Portfolio Management Services (PMS), which operates independently and separately from the research analyst team. There is a strict segregation of duties between the portfolio manager responsible for PMS research, investment, and management, and the research analyst responsible for model portfolio recommendations under our RA services. This structure eliminates any conflict of interest, as the PMS team operates independently and does not share stock insights, advice, or inputs with the research analyst team. Robust internal controls are in place to monitor and mitigate any potential conflicts, maintaining transparency and prioritizing client interests.

    Investors Services:

    The detail of investor relation officer who shall attend to the investor queries and complaints is mentioned below:

    License Holder Name: Wryght Research & Capital Private Limited
    Brand Name: Wright Research
    SEBI Registration No.: INH000017295
    Registered Address: 103, Shagun Vatika, Prag Narayan Road, Butler Colony, Lucknow 226001
    CIN: U67100UP2019PTC123244
    Support Telephone: +91 6360126635
    Support Email:
    Compliance Officer: Shivam Agarwal, Email ID:
    Grievance Officer: Lovish Jain, Email ID:

    Complaints - RIA

    Client’s queries / complaints may arise due to lack of understanding or a deficiency of service experienced by clients. Deficiency of service may include lack of explanation, clarifications, understanding which escalates into shortfalls in the expected delivery standards, either due to inadequacy of facilities available or through the attitude of staff towards client.

    • Clients can seek clarification to their query and are further entitled to make a complaint in writing, orally or telephonically. An email may be sent to the Client Servicing Team on Alternatively, the Investor may call on +91 6360127635
    • A letter may also be written with their query/complaint and posted at the below mentioned address: Wright Research, The Capital 815A/B-Wing, opp. ICICI Bank, G Block BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051
    • Clients can write to the Compliance Officer at if the Investor does not receive a response within 10 business days of writing to the Client Servicing Team. The client can expect a reply within 10 business days of approaching the Compliance Officer.
    • In case you are not satisfied with our response you can lodge your grievance with SEBI at or you may also write to any of the offices of SEBI. SCORES may be accessed thorough SCORES mobile application as well, same can be downloaded from below link:
    • ODR Portal could be accessed, if unsatisfied with the response. Your attention is drawn to the SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-1/P/CIR/2023/131 dated July 31, 2023, on “Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market”. A common Online Dispute Resolution Portal (“ODR Portal”) which harnesses conciliation and online arbitration for resolution of disputes arising in the Indian Securities Market has been established. ODR Portal can be accessed via the following link -

    Trend of monthly disposal of complaints



    Carried forward from previous month





    Jun, 2022






    Jul, 2022






    Aug, 2022






    Sep, 2022






    Oct, 2022






    Nov, 2022






    Dec, 2022






    Jan, 2023






    Feb, 2023






    Mar, 2023






    Apr, 2023






    May, 2023






    Jun, 2023






    Jul, 2023






    Aug, 2023






    Sep, 2023






    Oct, 2023






    Nov, 2023






    Dec, 2023






    Jan, 2024






    Feb, 2024






    Mar, 2024






    Apr, 2024






    May, 2024






    June, 2024






    July, 2024






    August, 2024






    Sep, 2024





    Grand Total





    Month Complaints

    Received from

    Pending last month



    Pending over 3 months

    Average resolution time

    Total pending








    SEBI Scores







    Other Sources







    *Inclusiveof complaints of previous months resolved in the current month.

    #Inclusiveof complaintspending as on the last day of the month.

    Trend of annual disposal of complaints



    Carried forward from previous year

































    *Inclusiveof complaints of previous years resolved in the current year.

    #Inclusiveof complaintspending as on the last day of the year.

    Complaints - RA

    Client’s queries / complaints may arise due to lack of understanding or a deficiency of service experienced by clients. Deficiency of service may include lack of explanation, clarifications, understanding which escalates into shortfalls in the expected delivery standards, either due to inadequacy of facilities available or through the attitude of staff towards client.

    • Clients can seek clarification to their query and are further entitled to make a complaint in writing, orally or telephonically. An email may be sent to the Client Servicing Team on Alternatively, the Investor may call on +91 6360127635
    • A letter may also be written with their query/complaint and posted at the below mentioned address: Wright Research, The Capital 815A/B-Wing, opp. ICICI Bank, G Block BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051
    • Clients can write to the Compliance Officer at if the Investor does not receive a response within 10 business days of writing to the Client Servicing Team. The client can expect a reply within 10 business days of approaching the Compliance Officer.
    • In case you are not satisfied with our response you can lodge your grievance with SEBI at or you may also write to any of the offices of SEBI. SCORES may be accessed thorough SCORES mobile application as well, same can be downloaded from below link:
    • ODR Portal could be accessed, if unsatisfied with the response. Your attention is drawn to the SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-1/P/CIR/2023/131 dated July 31, 2023, on “Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market”. A common Online Dispute Resolution Portal (“ODR Portal”) which harnesses conciliation and online arbitration for resolution of disputes arising in the Indian Securities Market has been established. ODR Portal can be accessed via the following link -

    Trend of monthly disposal of complaints



    Carried forward from previous month





    July, 2024






    August, 2024






    Sep, 2024





    Grand Total





    Month Complaints

    Received from

    Pending last month



    Pending over 3 months

    Average resolution time

    Total pending








    SEBI Scores







    Other Sources







    *Inclusiveof complaints of previous months resolved in the current month.

    #Inclusiveof complaintspending as on the last day of the month.

    Complaints - PMS

    Client’s queries / complaints may arise due to lack of understanding or a deficiency of service experienced by clients. Deficiency of service may include lack of explanation, clarifications, understanding which escalates into shortfalls in the expected delivery standards, either due to inadequacy of facilities available or through the attitude of staff towards client.

    • Clients can seek clarification to their query and are further entitled to make a complaint in writing, orally or telephonically. An email may be sent to the Client Servicing Team on Alternatively, the Investor may call on +91 6360127635
    • A letter may also be written with their query/complaint and posted at the below mentioned address: Wright Research, The Capital 815A/B-Wing, opp. ICICI Bank, G Block BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051
    • Clients can write to the Compliance Officer at if the Investor does not receive a response within 10 business days of writing to the Client Servicing Team. The client can expect a reply within 10 business days of approaching the Compliance Officer.
    • In case you are not satisfied with our response you can lodge your grievance with SEBI at or you may also write to any of the offices of SEBI. SCORES may be accessed thorough SCORES mobile application as well, same can be downloaded from below link:

    Trend of monthly disposal of complaints



    Carried forward from previous month





    Apr, 2023






    May, 2023






    June, 2023






    July, 2023






    Aug, 2023






    Sep, 2023






    Oct, 2023






    Nov, 2023






    Dec, 2023






    Jan, 2024






    Feb, 2024






    Mar, 2024






    Apr, 2024






    May, 2024






    June, 2024






    July, 2024






    August, 2024






    Sep, 2024





    Grand Total





    Month Complaints

    Received from

    Pending last month



    Pending over 3 months

    Average resolution time

    Total pending








    SEBI Scores







    Other Sources







    *Inclusiveof complaints of previous months resolved in the current month.

    #Inclusiveof complaintspending as on the last day of the month.

    Trend of annual disposal of complaints



    Carried forward from previous year















    *Inclusiveof complaints of previous years resolved in the current year.

    #Inclusiveof complaintspending as on the last day of the year.

    Return Calculation - RIA Strategies

    Each portfolio’s return is calculated from its Index value. To understand how index values are calculated and used to derive portfolio returns, please refer to following sections

    What is an index value?

    An index value allows the user to measure the change in the value of a portfolio relative to its value on a historical date. For example, let's assume that portfolio A was created on 1st Jan 2020. The index value of A on that day was 100. Suppose the index value of the portfolio on 31st March 2021 was 127. We can calculate the absolute return of A between the above-mentioned dates as (127/100)-1 * 100 = 27%.

    How are portfolio index values calculated?

    Lets understand this with an example. Portfolio TEST was created on 1st Jan 2014. The creator of the portfolio will rebalance TEST once in 3 months.Let's call the first version of TEST as TEST 1.0. The stocks and weights in TEST 1.0 portfolio are as below:











    To calculate the index values, the portfolio creation date, constituents of the portfolio and their respective weights are required. On the date of creation of the portfolio, the index value is set to 100. This can also be understood as a hypothetical Rs.100 investment in TEST 1.0. The calculation on 1st Jan 2014 is as below:

    Index value: 100



    Closing price

    No. of shares

    Index Value

































































































    On 1st Jan 2014, the portfolio contained 4 stocks A, B, C and D. The weights of these stocks were 30%, 20%, 15% and 35% respectively. The closing prices of the stocks on that day is used to calculate the hypothetical number of shares that can be bought, assuming Rs.100 is invested in the portfolio. “100 * weight of the stock” will give the amount of money that can be invested in a specific stock. This number is divided by the closing price of the stock to derive the number of shares of that stock. Finally, by multiplying the number of shares of each stock with the stock’s closing price and adding the output for all the stocks, the index value is derived. Of course on the first day, the index value is the same as the amount invested, i.e 100.The number of shares of each stock will remain the same till the next rebalance date. Each trading day, the closing stock prices are multiplied by the number of shares. The sum of these data points will be the index value for that specific date.

    How does rebalance affect the index value?

    Rebalancing is the process of reviewing the stocks and their respective weights to ensure that it remains true to the theme or strategy of the portfolio.Continuing with the same example, let's assume The TEST portfolio gets rebalanced on 31st March 2014. The index values leading upto the rebalance date were as below:



    Closing price

    No. of shares

    Index Value





















